DP Ruto: DCI and the system are baying for my blood

DP William Ruto.

Deputy President William Ruto has now claimed that his life is in danger.

The second in command has now divulged that he is a prey of the DCI and the 'system' as 2022 succession politics take shape.

Taking to his Twitter account, Ruto has however, maintained that our God in heaven will be his protector amid the shocking plot by the state.

''The DCI has been mobilised,for political reasons,to discredit & destroy my office with all manner NONSENSE and to bring me down. Those in this scheme are boasting that I will not be there soon. Since the system cannot elect anybody, they can only kill. But there is GOD in heaven,''tweeted Ruto.

This claims reignites the assassination letter which Ruto was targeted. The infamous meeting to finish Ruto was allegedly held at La Mada hotel,where CS Agriculture, then Trade was the chairperson.

Moses Kuria,a close ally to the DP had on Friday opined that Ruto was about to be assassinated in Muranga' county after the event which the second in command was presiding was brought to a stand still after the area governor invaded.

It is also remembered that COTU secretary general Atwoli has been on record saying that Ruto, whatsoever will not be in the 2022 ballot.


  1. Which kind of a country is Kenya?? Let the DCI if it's genuine arrest Atwoli to explain on what he has been saying publicly that Ruto whatsoever will not on the ballot.

  2. Let them try and see🔥🔥🔥


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