
Showing posts from July, 2023

Daylight Demons in Kericho Robs Off Cow's Private Parts

Shock has engulfed Senetwet Village, Cheplanget Ward Kericho county after a cow was robbed off her private parts.Why In the incident that has left the residents mouth gazing, the cow was mercilessly cut off her udder in the midnight. This is a shocking development that has been associated with demonic cult as local pastors have been mobilize to contain the situation. Former MCA Hon Hesbon Tonui has led the condemnation of the incident that is practically uncultural in the Kalenjin land. Responsible authorities have been urged to commence immediate investigation to bring culprits to face the full wrath of the law.

1982 Repeating Itself? Raila's Own Words Eating Him Now

The 2nd President of Kenya Daniel Arap Moi.(1978-2002). The late Daniel Arap Moi is still in the history of African leadership as one the longest serving president. His 24-years rule in Kenya was not however, smooth as he faced a difficult test in 1982. It was only a matter of minutes and he was almost dethroned. Speaking years later, renowned politician and the Orange Democratic Movement party leader Raila Odinga revealed his role in the 1982 coup. In his own autobiography, the veteran politician who has unsuccessfully vied for presidency five times noted that his role in 1982 was for the benefit of the common citizens. He said “...we had been quietly engaged in operations designed to educate and mobilise the people in order to bring about the necessary and desired changes in our society — not through violence but through popular mass action. The full explanation of our efforts to bring about popular change will have to wait for another, freer, time in our country’s history”. Going by