
Showing posts from December, 2021

Nakuru Politician on EACC Radar Over Alleged Money Laundering Case

Nakuru based politician Davis Ruto is now on EACC radar after his bank accounts were allegedly frozen over corruption cases.  The youthful politician is also alleged to have fled the country to avoid being questioned by the hawk eyed Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI). Davis Ruto is aspiring to succeed outgoing Nakuru senator Susan Kihika who has declared gubernatorial interest. According to close sources, Davis Ruto could have been fighting money laundering cases which is now a common vice among politicians during this electioneering period. The Deputy President William Ruto allied politician has been running a flashy campaign in a bid to win the hearts of the Nakuru county. ''He has a lot money and I suspect EACC could be worried on how he manages to run such an expensive campaign considering he has no known business,''said a close ally of him who is not allowed to speak to media. His whereabouts still scarce, a section of Nakuru electorates have supported a